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Information Security Best Practices
The world is aghast watching Russia invade Ukraine, and it’s critical that the physical separation of these events doesn’t create a false sense of security for the US.   As the countries around the globe step up sanctions and impose restrictions on critical Russian resources, war will expand on a different front.  Cyberwarfare is nothing new,...
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In early October, Deputy Attorney General Lisa O. Monaco announced a Civil Cyber-Fraud Initiative to combat cyber threats in the supply chain. Efforts will focus on identifying defense and other government contractors that are not adhering to required cybersecurity standards. Read more about the announcement here – Deputy Attorney General Lisa O. Monaco Announces New...
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Every workplace has made changes during the COVID-19 pandemic. With employees struggling to balance changing business dynamics, many companies are pushing cybersecurity concerns down on the list of priorities. Deprioritizing cybersecurity is a mistake. The migration to work from home environments introduces new variables that increase exposure to malware attacks, phishing, and other cybercrime.  In...
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Over the last decade, the number of devices in homes has increased drastically. According to Deloitte, the average U.S. home now has 11 internet-connected devices. Due to COVID-19 and the increase of remote work and school, that number has likely increased in the last few months. As we bring more devices into our homes, it’s...
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As COVID-19 impacted operations for many businesses across the world, a work from home environment has quickly become a new normal for many employees. In WFH scenarios, company and client data is exchanged between desktop devices and servers that reside in corporate facilities or the cloud. How that data is managed in transit and at...
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It can feel overwhelming to know where to start when it comes to protecting your staff from security threats. That’s why we created this infographic to explain three steps that you can take right now to keep your employees safe from exploitation. Following these steps will help to create a questioning culture where your employees...
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Everyone Using These Tools Should Consider How Secure They Are With the rapid transition to work from home environments…it’s no wonder that the use of web meeting technologies has grown exponentially. Everyone using these tools should consider how secure they are as revelations about Zoom have highlighted potential risks.  With an easy to use interface and...
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Protecting Important Data in a Work from Home (WFH) World In true American spirit, companies nationwide have quickly adapted to the rapid spread of COVID-19 and transitioned employees to a work from home (WFH) model. This approach is critical to limiting the impact of the virus, and for many organizations, it is a viable workaround....
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Katie Arrington, DOD’s chief information security officer for the Office of the Undersecretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment, recently announced the Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) for NIST 800-171. In 2020, certification will be required to secure and renew government contracts.  CMMC certification requires an audit by an approved 3rd party to validate cybersecurity...
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Prepare your Staff Let’s face it…there are no easy breaks in business.  And the malicious players are happy to exploit your employees at every turn.  The onslaught of emails and phone calls specifically designed to deceitfully extract money from your firm will not stop.  The most important thing you can do is prepare your staff.  ...
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