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Risk Management
Why Monitor Your External Resources In today’s digital age where businesses are heavily reliant on internet access to support online platforms, cybersecurity has become more critical than ever. With the constant evolution of cyber threats, organizations must adopt proactive measures to safeguard their digital assets and sensitive information. One such measure that is worthy of...
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  In the ever-evolving manufacturing space, operational technology (OT) is critical to optimizing production processes and driving efficiency. As industries embrace digital transformation, the security of OT systems has become a key concern. With the growing threat of cyberattacks, manufacturers are forced to prioritize security measures that protect their valuable assets, ensure uninterrupted operations, and...
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The age-old question: how much is enough? Executives at companies large and small ponder this question every day as news of the latest cyber-attack fills network and social media resources. So how does a company ultimately decide how much to spend on protecting itself from cyber-attacks?  When it comes to cybersecurity there is no simple...
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Anyone with cybersecurity experience is a hot commodity in the current job market.  For those seeking talent, the transition of the workforce from in-office to work-from-home due of COVID has made the competition fiercer.  Gone are the traditional geographic boundaries and regional salary limitations.  It’s now commonplace for employees who live in the Midwest to...
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Ransomware and other types of cyber incidents are now commonplace discussion topics in boardrooms for companies large and small.  Fear of exposure, disruption, and financial loss are leading contributors to the conversation.  In fact, nearly three quarters of US CEOs in Price Waterhouse Coopers 24th Annual Global CEO Survey said they are “extremely concerned” about...
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On March 21, 2022 the President of the United States issued a statement directly addressing concerns about domestic cybersecurity.  With the Ukraine war now entering the fourth week, there is heightened anxiety about the escalating cyberattacks originating in Russia.  Beyond the physical attacks against the Ukraine nation, Russia has stepped up cyberattacks on countries that...
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The world is aghast watching Russia invade Ukraine, and it’s critical that the physical separation of these events doesn’t create a false sense of security for the US.   As the countries around the globe step up sanctions and impose restrictions on critical Russian resources, war will expand on a different front.  Cyberwarfare is nothing new,...
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A risk management framework (RMF) is an organization’s security controls road map for managing its cyber risks. RMFs define how the people in an organization utilize processes to manage technology, ensure oversight, and reduce risk exposure. The framework often serves multiple purposes, from evaluating the maturity of security controls to demonstrating due diligence in securing...
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